A tactics discussion in the Marvel Rivals community brings up an important request for players who love to play as ranged ...
Marvel Rivals chose to make Anti-Venom a skin for Venom and such a decision will likely have an effect on other characters on ...
A new leak has outlined what Human Torch will bring to the table in Marvel Rivals, detailing his weapons, abilities, and more.
An adorable Marvel Rivals clip showed two Jeff the Land Shark players becoming friends in the middle of a game. Considered ...
Fans are excited to preload Marvel Rivals, and it's definitely for all the right reasons. NetEase Games' brand-new hero-shooter is almost here, and players are excited to get their hands on it as ...
In this article, check out the latest information on Marvel Rivals leaks that includes Human Torch and Ultron abilities, ...
A Marvel Rivals player by the name of ... Wolverine was built to counter tanks and shred HP, but this man is doing things like cannonballing in with the Hulk team-up and pulling flying heroes like ...
A Marvel Rivals player encounters an odd warning message after asking their teammates to play tank and healer before their ...