The one that got away.” This term is mostly used in romantic and relationship parlance to refer to a love interest or prospective partner who slipped through the fingers. Most times the term carries ...
If you are not rooted in the Gospel, then false teaching can decimate your shallow faith. You can only defeat lies by holding ...
If I could go back [to my time as a freshman in college] and tell myself anything, it would be that God has a plan for you,” taught Kalani Sitake, BYU’s head football coach.
Not only are they a built in best friend for their siblings, they're automatically another (slightly cooler) parental figure ...
A visiting Vatican official in January urged Filipino Catholics to resist the temptation of seeking false power and to place ...
"God has a plan for you. It’s important to realize that there is a divine design for us," head football coach Kalani Sitake said in a BYU devotional message.
The devil, who lies and sows divisions, tests everyone, even Jesus, Pope Francis said in a written homily.Satan tries to ...