Portraying Martha Lloyd in the BBC's crime series, Sally thanked her fellow cast member Zahra Ahmadi, who plays DS Esther Williams. Recalling an incident on the set of their festive episode ...
"DS Esther Williams is deeply sceptical ... and their three daughters, including twins. Zahra Ahmadi, 42, originally graced 'EastEnders' as Shabnam Masood and boasts a varied acting portfolio ...
Esther Williams (Zahra Ahmadi) remains as sceptical as ever, but Humphrey is more than willing to delve into his first ghostly case. Speaking about the festive episode, Kris Marshall said ...
A concerned Anne Lloyd (Barbara Flynn) calls in DI Humphrey Goodman (Kris Marshall) and DS Esther Williams (Zahra Ahmadi) to investigate. Upon meeting with the officers, the widower reveals he'd ...
I love to swim in the sea at Looe." Meanwhile, Zahra Ahmadi - who plays Esther Williams - said that many of the cast and crew would take to the sea after a hard day of work. "I only swim in the ...
Beyond Paradise star Sally Bretton has shared some warm words about her co-star following a touching moment during filming. While playing Martha Lloyd in the BBC's detective drama, Sally expressed ...
Esther Williams (Zahra Ahmadi) is as sceptical as ever, but Humphrey is more than happy to entertain his first haunting. Kris Marshall said of the festive episode: "Humphrey doesn’t rule ...
"DS Esther Williams is deeply sceptical ... but she rose to the occasion. Where have I seen Zahra Ahmadi before? She played the original Shabnam in EastEnders, starred in BBC sitcom Count Arthur ...
But for him, the thrill comes from unravelling the mystery, which is what gets him excited about the job. However, Zahra Ahmadi (DS Esther Williams) is not quite so open minded: Esther is 99% ...
Jade Harrison as CS Charlie Woods, Zahra Ahmadi as Esther Williams, Melina Sinadinou as Zoe Williams, Kris Marshall as Humphrey Goodman, Barbara Flynn as Anne Lloyd, Sally Bretton as Martha Lloyd ...
"DS Esther Williams is deeply sceptical ... to photographer Lee and they have three daughters, including twins. Zahra Ahmadi is a 42-year-old British actress who is known for playing the original ...