However, there are specific fruits that can help stabilize or reduce blood pressure, thanks to their nutritional properties.
"In contrast to prevailing beliefs, our finding suggests that the impact of a noisy public space on BP readings is small and ...
Nothing doctors prescribed controlled Michael Garrity’s dangerously high blood pressure — until they zapped away some nerves ...
High blood pressure silently damages vital organs without obvious symptoms, earning its reputation as a "silent killer." While millions receive prescriptions ...
Don’t worry if someone’s checking your blood pressure in a loud public place.The reading they get is apt to be just a ...
Keeping track of your blood pressure at home is one of the best ways to monitor your heart health. High blood pressure, or ...
Women who ate more fried potatoes had slightly higher blood pressure, with their systolic blood pressure (the top number) ...
A new study by researchers at Wake Forest University found that controlling your blood pressure can help your mind. Researchers looked at more than 9,000 adults across the U.S. for seven years. All ...
The scientists found even just a few years of blood pressure control significantly reduced the risk of mild cognitive ...
“If the particulate matter enters the blood vessels, it can travel to various organs and potentially block blood vessels in the heart, lungs or brain, leading to serious complications such as stroke ...
A new study found a minor difference between blood pressure measurements taken in public spaces compared to those in private ...
You can do better than sleeping pills or counting sheep. From free apps and wearable trackers to smart mattresses and climate ...