Christopher Sands, director of the Canada Institute at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, D.C., says business leaders ...
Perhaps Trump’s refusal to mention Ukraine in his second inaugural address is not just a signal of a pivot to the Western hemisphere. Nor must it mean that on his watch Europe will bear the primary ...
But Woodrow Wilson wasn’t at all uncertain about how ... and began to write his speech asking Congress to declare war on Germany. He would open by talking about the German submarine fleet.
Woodrow Wilson delivered his first inaugural address. The day “dawned cloudy,” Irwin Hoover recalled, “but the weather ...
Before Woodrow Wilson became the standard bearer for the ... "great cities" to impose a gold standard - his "Cross of Gold" speech at the Democratic convention in 1896 - is considered one of ...
On Nov. 6, George W. Bush claimed the legacy of Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan in a speech setting out a "forward strategy" to extend freedom and democracy to the Islamic nations ...