Police cut away the wig which had been glued fast to reveal ... revealing multiple packets containing white powder. These tested positive for cocaine, a police spokesperson said, with around ...
The Balanchine works are an obvious draw to Boston Ballet’s Winter Experience, but the contemporary play on a classic ballet, ...
An officer is then seen removing the wig from the man's head, revealing multiple packets containing a white powder. A sample of the substance was tested on the spot. The cocaine was valued at more ...
This year’s classics-driven showcase — devilishly difficult and breathtaking — runs at the Citizens Bank Opera House through ...
An officer then removes the wig from the man’s head to reveal multiple packets containing a white powder, a sample of which is tested on the spot.
Some $10,495-worth of drugs was hidden beneath the narco-wig, police said, and the suspect was arrested for trafficking.
In video released Monday, an officer wearing blue gloves can be seen carefully cutting into the suspect’s wig before pulling it back to reveal multiple walnut-sized bags of white powder.
A retired executive director of a nonprofit organization was very honest regarding her reason. She said, “It makes me look younger, which was important while working.” She recently was with a group of ...
A 40-year-old Colombian man has been arrested after attempting to smuggle 19 cocaine capsules under his wig at an airport ... multiple packets containing white powder. These tested positive ...