Whale experts said that the 28-foot-long leviathan was likely killed in a horrific boat strike, as she was missing many of her internal organs and was covered with body trauma “consistent ...
One of the world’s most endangered whales lost a layer of its protections last week after President Donald Trump’s ...
The researchers conducted surveys of recreational vessel and humpback whale sightings in the bay, building density surface models to estimate relative vessel-strike risk based on spatial co ...
Adult right whales are known to start making their way ... the surface tragically makes it easy for ships to unwittingly strike them. Researchers remain confident that the future could be bright ...
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This event was a transfer of 449 contract(s) at a $285.00 strike. The total cost received by the writing party (or parties) was $242.4K, with a price of $540.0 per contract. There were 2863 open ...
Accordion is nicknamed because of an accordion-shaped scar on her back from a vessel strike. It's not known if this whale gave birth in waters off New York or if the mother and calf migrated north ...
Whales are entities with large sums of money ... Parties traded 500 contract(s) at a $345.00 strike. This particular call needed to be split into 24 different trades to become filled.
referring to the “whales.” Forgoing lower-paying delivery requests in favor of such high-paying ones “is like a labor strike,” Tsuchiya said. In an interview with The Asahi Shimbun ...