World War II was the ... iconic was the Tiger II. The Tiger II — or Panzerkampfwagen Tiger Ausf.B Tiger II, to give it its official title — was the heaviest, largest German tank of the war.
If you’ve ever wanted to take a ride in a World War II-era German Tiger I tank, now may be your chance. The Tank Museum is slated to host its popular Tiger Day Spring event this coming April, and it’s ...
It might surprise some war movie fans to know that at least one Army historian doesn't think there's anything special about ...
The production numbers don’t lie either. To use a WWII armor analogy, the German Tiger tank was a more sophisticated and powerful tank than either the American M4 Sherman or the Soviet T-34.
As he gripped the controls of his bomber plane on his first war time mission, 21-year-old Harry Richardson gazed back at the British coast for what he feared was the last time.
One of the most important days in military history, June 6, 1944, will undoubtedly live in infamy. On this day, Operation ...
Army 1st Lt. Jack Treadwell single-handedly took out six German pillboxes and captured 18 enemy soldiers during World War II.
Halvorson was also present when the German forces surrendered to the American 34th Infantry Division on May 1, 1945 ... from Halvorson’s service during WWII was the great lengths he and other ...