An effective HIV-1 vaccine must therefore elicit antibodies that can neutralize many variants of the virus. While broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs) have been isolated from HIV-1 infected ...
However, viruses are dynamic -- constantly evolving and changing shape, which can make designing antiviral treatments a challenge. Viruses, like those that cause COVID-19 or HIV, are formidable ...
This isn't necessarily new info, but experts hadn't observed this specific shape-shifting in the flu before. Viruses generally tend to mutate to become more infectious, explains infectious disease ...
As we reflect on five years of COVID-19, it’s clear that the impacts are still unfolding. The life sciences—and we as ...
However, viruses are dynamic—constantly evolving and changing shape, which can make designing antiviral treatments a challenge. But new research utilizes an innovative computational modeling ...
Influenza A virus particles strategically adapt their shape—to become either spheres or larger filaments—to favor their ability to infect cells depending on environmental conditions, according to a ...
This isn't necessarily new info, but experts hadn't observed this specific shape-shifting in the flu before. Viruses generally tend to mutate to become more infectious, explains infectious disease ...
In this case, flu A viruses have learned to mutate to stay alive longer, which in turn makes it more likely that you (and everyone around you) gets infected. “With a change in genome, it can rapidly ...