Karnataka transport authorities crack down on interstate vehicle tax evasion,seizing 11 Puducherry-registered vehicles ...
Karnataka authorities are enforcing strict 30-day rule for non-registered vehicles,contradicting central law's 11-month ...
The legislation, sponsored by Rep. Jared Hagert, R-Emerado, would dedicate the estimated $42 million in biennial revenue raised from the tax to a county, city and township road fund.
One option is an all-cuts transportation spending plan that would postpone projects while the second would finished promised ...
Energy policy expert Jason Isaac argues clean air mandates are exacerbating the significant drop in gas tax revenues that ...
When you register your car, you will be required to pay a title fee, highway-use tax and plate fee. The fee for a new title ...
A bill amending the Maharashtra Motor Vehicles Act 1958 was introduced to potentially increase vehicle tax rates. It aims for ...
In an effort to ensure business owners are paying property taxes, a new proposal would require tax receipts as part of the ...
What, exactly, is a classic car? Is there just one kind? And what does a "classic car" designation mean for its tax status?
States with aggressive climate goals like Oregon face a conundrum: EVs can help reduce emissions in the transportation sector ...
Gov. Tony Evers' proposed a $120 increase in vehicle title fees, but Republicans are unlikely to include that measure in ...
year-old was found to be in possession of what appears to be stolen or fraudulent checks in other persons’ names, some of ...