The average price of a house in the West Midlands is now £258,617, That is a rise of almost £10,000 on last year - a jump of ...
The average cost of a house in Britain is more than £10,000 higher than last year, according to the latest house price index ...
Semi-detached houses recorded growth of £11,367 in cash terms, with the average price standing at £307,685. Northern Ireland ...
Detached properties have increased in value by more than £100,000 over the last five years, according to Halifax.
UK house prices have surged by an average of £10,431 over the past year, bringing the typical property value to £294,818 ...
Average UK house prices have risen by just 12.1% over the past decade after the impact of inflation has been factored in, ...
The rising values of larger homes are behind the overall increase in average prices as demand for flats lags, a lender found.
Bigger homes driving house price growth as mortgage rates ease, says Halifax - Flats have been lagging behind for house price ...
Housing affordability in England and Wales returned to its pre-pandemic levels last year after wages rose much faster than house prices, official figures show.
Rising food prices have become more noticeable in the eyes of customers year after year, but one restaurant chain has ...
SUPER-sized homes have proved the wisest house investment in the last decade – rising on average by £100,000 in the last five ...
Shepherd Neame, which runs 290 pubs primarily in the South East, said the two policies announced by the Government last year ...