Milton’s epic recounts a revolt against Heaven. Readers from Thomas Jefferson to Malcolm X have drawn their own lessons from ...
The Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medals recognize the exemplary contributions of recipients to the endeavors in which ...
Thomas Jefferson is an enigma among American historical figures. He was one of America’s founding fathers, and the principal ...
A new YouGov poll asked the US public which historical figures they want to see on their currency. Here were the most and ...
Thomas Jefferson is a two-part portrait of our ... Jefferson made himself into a true renaissance man – a scholar, a philosopher, a diplomat, an aesthete, and an architect.
Livingston and the primary drafter, Thomas Jefferson. Knapsack: A few recurring thoughts about education The delegates in Philadelphia had an idea of what they wanted to do, but they needed a ...
Opinion: The crucial first step in righting the Ship of State, created and empowered solely by the Constitution is an ...
The Story of a Dog, Shelley Fraser Mickle looks back and tells pretty much her whole life, in a zigzagging fashion, through ...
Lafayette Day, March 14, will honor a key figure in the American Revolution on the 200th anniversary of his farewell tour of ...
It was trial by combat, waging war against deadlines each day, editing and rewriting everything from police and traffic accidents to outbreaks of wars around the world. From time to time after ...