However, there are specific fruits that can help stabilize or reduce blood pressure, thanks to their nutritional properties.
Public-loud and public-noisy blood pressures show minimal, nonclinically important differences from private-quiet BPs.
The rates of both mild cognitive impairment and a composite of MCI or probable dementia were lower with intensive treatment in an extended follow-up study.
BP readings taken in public spaces vs. those taken in private offices appeared similar, results from a randomized crossover ...
"In contrast to prevailing beliefs, our finding suggests that the impact of a noisy public space on BP readings is small and ...
Nothing doctors prescribed controlled Michael Garrity’s dangerously high blood pressure — until they zapped away some nerves ...
Don’t worry if someone’s checking your blood pressure in a loud public place.The reading they get is apt to be just a ...
Supine hypertension in those without seated hypertension is linked to higher risks for adverse cardiovascular events in ...
For patients with overweight or obesity and type 2 diabetes, dapagliflozin plus regular calorie restriction is associated ...
A randomized crossover trial found minimal difference between blood pressure (BP) readings obtained in public spaces versus those taken in private offices.
New research challenges traditional blood pressure measurement guidelines by showing that public spaces, even noisy ones, ...
A new study found a minor difference between blood pressure measurements taken in public spaces compared to those in private ...