spray combined with a soil drench of systemic Merit (imidacloprid) applied by a licensed applicator. Homeowners can apply their own foliar sprays (Sevin, Malathion) when psyllids are observed. Softer ...
The IUCN SSC/CEM Task Force on Systemic Pesticides is the response of the scientific community to concerns around the impact of systemic pesticides on biodiversity and ecosystems. Its intention is to ...
What are pesticide-coated seeds? Coated seeds are crop seeds that have been treated with systemic pesticides, most commonly neonicotinoid insecticides and one to several fungicides, such as metalaxyl ...
Scales can be effectively managed when fall and spring horticultural oil sprays are combined with a systemic insecticide in the spring. Insecticidal soaps and horticultural oils. Insect growth ...
“This study should be a wake-up call to the pesticide regulators at the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Biden administration, that they can’t keep ignoring the well-documented, systemic ...