The $100 billion Gelephu Mindfulness City is set to remake capitalism and attract businesses with its focus on green ...
The “mindfulness” of Gelephu Mindfulness City is a concept that matured with the growth of Bhutan as a Nation State. And ...
“‘It is finished’; and he bowed his head and handed over his spirit.” On Good Friday, the entire Church fixes her gaze on the Cross at Calvary. Each member of the Church tries to ...
Queen Jetsun Pema of Bhutan, heralded as the ‘Kate Middleton of the Himalayas’, made a rare public appearance alongside her husband, King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, and their three children to ...
All you need to know about the significance of World Introvert Day 2025, its history, meaningful theme, and inspiring quotes celebrating the unique strengths of introverts. In our increasingly ...
You might not know what angel numbers are, but you’ve likely seen them in your day-to-day life and may have even reacted in response. One of the most famous angel numbers is 1111, prompting the ...
Today is the first day of 2025. More than any other holiday, New Year’s is a day for reflecting on the past and contemplating our future. And, in the fight to protect and advance human liberty, sound ...
Her Majesty the Queen Mother Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck joined the Lomba celebration at the Folk Heritage Museum in the capital, today. Lomba, an annual festival celebrated by the Parops and Haaps, marks ...
Explore the fascinating history and timeless significance of New Year’s Day, celebrated across the globe to mark new beginnings. New Year’s Day is a global celebration that transcends cultures, ...
"We do kung fu to keep ourselves mentally and physically fit, and our aim is to promote women's empowerment and gender equality," said Jigme Jangchub Chosdon, 23, a nun who is originally from ...
Several visits by the Bhutan King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay as well as Mr. Modi’s visit to Thimphu to receive an award, and successful visits by the new ...