The Colors Within is an original concept anime film, written by Reiko Yoshida ( A Silent Voice) and directed by Yamada. The new film follows Totsuku, a young girl who can see the color of people’s ...
Balancing quality over quantity while combating worker crunch will pose challenges for the animation industry in 2025.
Both the domestic (Japanese) and foreign anime markets grew this year, but the foreign market overtook the domestic market ...
The Crunchyroll streaming service announces a new Crunchyroll Manga service, set to launch in 2025 and featuring "iconic titles and fan favorites." ...
For its 20th anniversary, Japan Habba celebrates "Everything Japan"! Japan Habba is home to 6 stages, 40+ events and experiences produced in-house, and 100+ stalls and experience zones that bring the ...
Asus ROG’s next-gen high-end Strix Scar laptops include more ‘AniMe’ lights to annoy anybody sitting across from you.
Chris Johnson, a Placerville resident and artist behind the Bearded Brush and Blade, likes that SacAnime gives him a chance ...
Defeat the cold snap this season with a nice toasty lineup of winter anime streaming. There's still a wait for upcoming ...
We’ll continue to update this list as we get a clearer picture of everything this winter anime season has to offer, but in ...
There's something for everyone, so let's dig into our most anticipated anime of 2025, including some already announced titles that we're hoping might end up releasing in 2025.
Time of Eve effectively focuses on human/android relations to send a "bigger picture" thematic message about the importance ...
will come with some of the biggest anime releases, and we have talked about the 15 most anticipated anime of the coming year.