Discover the Van Nelle Factory: a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a masterpiece of Modernist Industrial Architecture in Rotterdam.
The University of California, Davis, has announced plans to convert its men's and women's locker rooms at its recreation centers into "universal" all-sex locker rooms, sparking outrage among women ...
When interior architects Keren and Thomas Richter were renovating their Brooklyn loft, they wanted both a shower and a soaking tub in their primary bathroom. But square footage was at a premium in ...
Wie in Rotterdam een huis heeft mag dit jaar gemiddeld 1006,06 euro overmaken aan de gemeente. Daarvan is 230,36 euro onroerendezaakbelasting. Die stijgt dit jaar met 1,0 procent.
De corruptie- en fraudeverdenkingen bij de afdeling Stadsontwikkeling van de gemeente Rotterdam breiden zich uit. De Rijksrecherche en opsporingsdienst Fiod hebben dinsdagochtend huiszoekingen ...
The age group most likely to reap the rewards of all this room is pensioners: more than a third (36 per cent) of Britain’s homes are owned by this cohort. In the most recent census, 84.1 per ...
Een ambulance is vrijdag 7 maart met spoed uitgereden naar Rotterdam voor een medisch incident aan Prins Alexanderlaan. De melding werd om 12:33 via het P2000-netwerk verzonden naar een ...
Very nice 11m2 room in a nice 4 bedroom house near metrostation Schenkel in the greenest area of Rotterdam Prinsenland. The house recently been renovated. A bike during your rental period is included.
These States Seeing Highest Rates As Flu Hospitalizations Spike Amid Worst Season In Years The flu is surging across the United States, reaching its highest severity in 15 years. Overcrowded hospitals ...
The National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security (NCTV) is aware of a report from Germany that terrorists may be targeting Festival de Liebe at Ahoy in Rotterdam on March 7 and 8. The ...
Rotterdam — a city where everyone loves to rave about the quirky new-age architecture, its multicultural quotient, and the resilience and ‘realness’ of the Rotterdammers. But living in a city you love ...