Ride with the bull, mess with the horns. A fearless rodeo rider in Florida had a close brush with death when the bull he was riding gored him in the neck while being bucked off the beast’s back.
Energy Secretary Chris Wright arrived at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo without a hat on Monday evening.
A rodeo rider in Florida had a close call with death when a bull's horn sliced his neck open.
Zachary Naegele, 24, was competing at the Conley Invitational in Palmetto, Florida, last week when the bull’s horn punctured his jugular, causing blood to stream out in a heart-pounding ...
For 20 days at NRG, 40 athletes will compete in eight events with $2.3 million at stake. What to know about RodeoHouston.
The Saints Car Club's annual August show will move due to added requirements to separate pedestrians from cars.
Breakaway roping is an often overlooked rodeo sport that has not been included in the National FInals Rodeo since its creation in 1959. Even with the recent push from fans and competitors, there is ...
It was fixin’ to be a real nice weekend. The Beutler family had just concluded a brutal stretch of rodeos, bringing their prized stock all across the country to buck off the best bronc and ...
Rodeo rider cheats death after bull's horn slices neck open A rodeo rider in Florida had a close call with death when a bull's horn sliced his neck open.