Hou, J. and Sun, F. (2025) A Case Study on Academic Reading Strategy Awareness of Non-English Major Students in China. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 13, 528-538. doi: 10.4236/jss.2025.133035 .
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Authors from Indian organisations contributed 39,709 papers, which was 8.4% of the global share of 472,819 research papers during the period. India's contribution grew 26% in the five-year period, in ...
A viral video reveals how an AI-generated mistake led to nearly two dozen flawed research papers, sparking concerns about automation in academia. The error, originating from a mistranslation in a 1959 ...
China’s highest court has called for a crack down on the activities of paper mills, businesses that churn out fraudulent or poor-quality manuscripts and sell authorships. Some researchers are ...