Prostate cancer waiting times could be radically cut by an ‘extremely encouraging’ 20 minute test, scientists have revealed. The new ultrasound test can detect the vast majority of tumours and ...
The process uses existing ultrasound equipment which is ... Instead, the onus is on men to request a prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test from their GP once they are over 50.
The new imaging test begins by injecting ... the patient’s bloodstream to the prostate. The team uses a technique known as super resolution ultrasound imaging (SRUI) to track these microbubbles ...
The new imaging test begins by injecting ... the patient’s bloodstream to the prostate. The team uses a technique known as super resolution ultrasound imaging (SRUI) to track these microbubbles ...
Researchers at Vanderbilt and the University of Michigan have shown that a simple at-home urine test for prostate cancer screening is highly accurate.
Every two minutes, a man is diagnosed with prostate cancer in our country. This disease is currently the second-leading cancer-related killer of men in the United States.