There are 19 residences affected. None of the detections from private wells are above standards for PFAS in drinking water.
Republican state lawmakers approved a pair of bills in a House committee last week to weaken restrictions on some uses of ...
The Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act (“TFCA”) restricts nine chemicals or chemical classes. The TFCA restricts nine chemicals or chemical classes ...
Burnaby, B.C.-based Mustang Survival, which designs safety gear for both land and sea, said it will first eliminate PFAS from ...
We fight alongside consumers to get harmful toxins out kids' food - and together we're making progress. For years, we pushed the FDA to ban Red Dye 3, a known carcinogen used to brighten thousands of ...
I'm gonna save you a whole lotta time and effort — these are the items from Amazon's hidden section that your eyeballs *need* to see. View Entire Post › ...