A bomb exploded in a church in Nepal's capital Kathmandu killing two and injuring ... Two have been declared dead and 15 others injured were admitted to the nearby Patan Hospital. The dead have been ...
Bhaktapur Hospital is recognized as one of the country's top hospitals, yet it is grappling with severe infrastructure issues.Nepal's second-oldest government hospital, Bhaktapur Hospital has been ...
The Ministry of Health and Population has sought public suggestions for the budget of the upcoming fiscal year 2082/83 (2025/26).As part of its budget preparation process, the ministry has made ...
The diesel prices are dependent upon various factors and it is not like other commodities. Various other components also add up to the retail selling price of diesel and it includes the cost of ...
Gujarat, the North Western State is a densely populated state with more than 60 million inhabitants. The developed state has many buyers for vehicles which in turn has led to the surge in the ...