The IFAS extension office has a "Florida Friendly Landscaping Guide" that shows which plants can survive the upcoming weather ...
Certain soil bacteria play a crucial role in modulating plant immune responses, and allowing them to grow more efficiently.
Scientists have long sought ways to help plants turn more carbon dioxide (COâ‚‚) into biomass, which could boost crop yields ...
Biologists at Indiana University Bloomington have shown that the surfaces of plant leaves are coated with a diverse array of RNA molecules.
Scientists discovered stable RNA on plant leaves that can regulate microbes, revealing a new layer of plant-environment ...
Biologists at Indiana University Bloomington have shown that the surfaces of plant leaves are coated with a diverse array of ...
To stay healthy, plants balance the energy they put into growing with the amount they use to defend against harmful bacteria.
Scientists have discovered a way to remove toxic compounds from potatoes, making them safer to eat and easier to store. The breakthrough could cut food waste and enhance crop farming in space and ...
Three Ohio companies are investing in hydrogen fuel cell passenger vehicles even as the U.S. market for electric vehicles ...
Engineers showed that some types of soil bacteria can influence a plant's balance of growth and defense. The bacteria produce an enzyme that can lower a plant's immune activity and allow its roots to ...
There are many different ways lifestyle diseases can be classified or grouped. Here is the way I like to group them: (1) ...