In a viral video clip, Indian actor Rakhi Sawant challenged Pakistan's Nargis, Deedar, and Hania Aamir to a dance-off. "From Pakistan, get Hania, Nargis, Deedar, all of them. I'll easily crush them.
In a recent interview, Indian entertainer Rakhi Sawant stirred the pot by challenging Pakistani actresses Hania Aamir, Nargis ...
LAHORE: A total of 47 universities from Pakistan have made it to the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings for 2025. Quaid-i-Azam University Islam­abad is ranked between 401 and ...
as well as famed Pakistani performers Deedar and Nargis. And, in true Rakhi fashion, she didn’t stop there—she also threw down the gauntlet for a dance-off, declaring herself the “number 1 ...
Pakistan's new law grants sweeping powers to control online content, enabling the government to block platforms and imprison users for spreading 'disinformation.' Human rights activists and ...
Pakistan's national assembly has approved changes to cyber laws, including a new provision for punishing online "fake news" and establishing a social media protection and regulatory authority.
ISLAMABAD, Jan 23 (Reuters) - Pakistan's former Prime Minister Imran Khan, opens new tab called off reconciliatory talks with the government on Thursday, a week after a court handed him a 14-year ...
Q: What is the Dollar worth against the Pakistani Rupee? A: One Dollar is worth 278.5 Pakistani Rupees today Q: Is the Dollar going up or down against the Pakistani Rupee? A: Today's exchange rate ...
The week’s most popular current dance/electronic songs, billed to DJs, producers, and long-standing core artists in the dance/electronic genre, with an emphasis on electronic-based production ...