If you want to see more where that came from, you can obviously stream Baker's other feature films, including "Tangerine," " ...
Make yourself a White Russian and enjoy these Dude-abiding movies that share some similarities with The Big Lebowski.
Author Maggie Anton shares why, after writing a novel set in the 20th century, she decided to write a novel set in Biblical ...
The Prince of Egypt is a 1998 award-winning animated film based on the Book of Exodus in the Bible. Set in ancient Egypt, the ...
S.E. Hinton (born Susan Eloise) made a striking debut as a writer in 1967, and at only 18 years old, with her groundbreaking ...
People in Rome and the Vatican are relying on their faith as they cope with the daily anxiety waiting to hear about the ...
Egyptian movie makers have been trying to reach the Oscar finals for over 57 years, but their endeavors have always gone unheeded from 1958 to 2014. Egyptian movie makers nominated 34 movies for ...
Based on what was shown in The Witcher 4's official reveal trailer, Ciri's new chain weapon might be useful for more than just keeping monsters down.