It is six in the morning. Chennai is just waking up. But the spacious, well-lit studio called The Pole Camp on Harrington Road is already abuzz with activity. Students of all ages, from 12 to late ...
An award-winning artist and Air Force veteran from Danville has created a touching tribute to honor the late Mark Spain.
From a dress made from 200 lightbulbs to works made by computer, the Tate takes us on a dizzying, dense trip through half a century of electrically augmented art, fretted with optimism for a future ...
His new solo show, ‘After Hours,’ at Pace Gallery in New York, is inspired by everything from Bushwick clubs to Nava’s ...
This Thursday, Sotheby’s is hosting the sale “BENT.” The auction, taking place at 10AM in New York, includes photographs, books, painting, and prints made from the 19th century to today, all informed ...
The Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery at Skidmore College presents a field of bloom and hum, a landmark exhibition featuring works by more than 150 queer artists. Amid the buzz of ...
Legendary New York Urban Artist Angel ‘LA II’ Ortiz has curated ‘The Great ... Shepard Fairey, Mr.Doodle and Mark Kostabi, all working collaboratively with the legendary Angel ‘LA II’ Ortiz.
billboard artist 100 the week’s most popular artists across all genres, ranked by album and track sales as provided by luminate, radio airplay audience impressions as provided by luminate ...
The week's most popular developing artists, using the same formula as the all-encompassing Billboard Artist 100, which measures artist activity across multiple Billboard charts, including the ...
Students reacted to a California bill that, if passed, would make it illegal for companies to sell such products to shoppers under 18 years old. By The Learning Network We invite students to ...
The Hyogo Prefecture native is holding an exhibition of her work at the Niimi Museum of Art here to mark the 30th anniversary of the museum's opening. It is also intended to raise hope for ...