Before 2018 when Canada legalized cannabis, members of a campus club called Hempology 101 met to light up on the Quad.
The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that 84.8% of cannabis users who responded to a study drove within eight hours of ...
Lifestyle habits like not wearing sunscreen, being sleep-deprived, and eating ultra-processed foods can cause premature aging ...
Babies encode memories, but they’re unable to recall them later in life, a new study shows. This finding offers insight into ...
Minister for Further Education James Lawless has expressed his support for decriminalising cannabis in Ireland as a stepping ...
A rise in recreational cannabis use has resulted in a heightened risk of crashes, injuries, and fatalities related to drivers ...
The Duke of Sussex spoke in depth about his drug use in his explosive memoir Spare - and it's caused issues ever since the ...
Salt Lake City, Boulder, and Cincinnati spokespeople each tell IndieWire why their city is the best to host Sundance if it ...
Weed should be decriminalised in Ireland as a first step to legalising the drug, Further Education Minister James Lawless has ...
One Stanford scientist quit academia to try to make medical cannabis better. Now he's selling millions of futuristic pot pills a year.
A study by the Neuropsychopharmacology and IBeA groups of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) paves the way to ...
“We’re seeing more, you know, impaired driving, it’s becoming more common and there’s a heightened risk of crashes, injuries, ...