Earlier this month, the program released a list of the worst cities for people with seasonal allergies to live in. Wichita, ...
Democrats love to complain about gerrymandering in Republican states even though they are equally at fault in their own states.
The Supreme Court seems closely divided over a challenge to Louisiana’s congressional map, which added a second Black ...
The case before the Supreme Court involves a state voting law that pits minority voter protections against the equal ...
The Supreme Court grappled with whether or not to send Louisiana legislators back to the drawing board in a high-stakes ...
Aguiñaga said facing the prospect of a federal judge drawing the map, the Louisiana Legislature decided to draw a new map and ...
The Supreme Court on Monday weighed whether a Louisiana congressional map that includes two majority-black districts for the first time in decades is a lawful effort to comply with the ...
Grissom’s execution by lethal injection at the Oklahoma State Penitentiary was one of four executions across the United States this week, with Arizona, Louisiana, and Florida also resuming ...
A redistricting battle over Louisiana's congressional map has spanned years and been before the Supreme Court twice already.