Fluent in four languages, Ghenea was a model before she switched to acting; she's already starred alongside the likes of Lady ...
Representatives from Bangladesh Road Transport Owners Association, Bangladesh Road Transport Workers Federation, Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA), Highway Police, civil society and student ...
The targeted entities are the ministries of land and commerce, National Board of Revenue (NBR), and Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA). For all latest news, follow The Daily Star's Google ...
These include the Ministry of Land, the National Board of Revenue (NBR), the Ministry of Commerce, and the Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA). The chief adviser provided the necessary ...
The British Regional Transport Association (BRTA) is leading the charge to restore the direct line, known as N2MH, which would simplify travel between the two cities, with a stop at Market Harborough ...
The evidence is there in the credits of both albums: Much of the vocal production is by Kuk Harrell, who’s worked with Rihanna and Justin Bieber, and much of the mixing is by Serban Ghenea ...
Meanwhile, BRTA has suspended registration of the truck following the accident and said it would cancel the registration unless the owner visits its Dhaka Circle-2 office with other documents ...
Administraţia Naţională de Meteorologie (ANM) a emis, marți, o avertizare cod galben de vânt puternic, valabilă până miercuri dimineața, în zone din 24 de județe din țară. Potrivit meteorologilor, de ...
Guvernul SUA a decis să înceapă o evaluare urgentă a necesității bazei militare din Alexandroupolis, Grecia. Aceasta va fi prima bază americană închisă după mulți ani în Europa. Vrem să aflăm ce ...
Welcome to Nat Geo Your Shot: National Geographic’s global community for aspiring visual storytellers. Find the community on Instagram @NatGeoYourShot and follow along for hashtag challenges ...