Gang violence, hunger, and political instability threaten Haiti's survival as a state as the UN calls for urgent ...
Prince, leading to a complete breakdown of government authority without additional international support for the beleaguered national police, the United Nations chief warned.
Aryan Nations (AN) was once a powerful organizing force for white supremacists that cultivated a wide spectrum of racist and anti-Semitic ideas. In its heyday in the 1980s and early 1990s, neo-Nazis, ...
soit 1000 de plus qu'en 2023, a alerté le Haut-Commissariat des Nations unies aux droits de l'homme (HCDH) mardi. «Ces chiffres ne peuvent à eux seuls rendre compte des horreurs absolues qui ...
Ces chiffres ne suffisent pas à rendre compte des horreurs absolues perpétrées en Haïti, mais ils montrent la violence incessante à laquelle les gens sont soumis », a déclaré Volker Türk, le ...
More than 5,600 people were killed and thousands more injured or kidnapped in 2024 due to soaring levels of gang violence in Haiti, the United Nations said. In a statement released on Tuesday ...
United Nations Volunteers calls everyone over the age of 18 to be part of a logo competition for the International Volunteer Year 2026. The United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed 2026 the ...
Copyright 2025 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. Journalists climb up a wall to take cover from gunfire, after being shot at by armed gangs at the General ...
Lors d’une session spéciale du Conseil économique et social des Nations Unies (ECOSOC) sur les enfants en Haïti, l’Ambassadeur Evangelos Sekerise représentant permanent de la Grèce auprès des Nations ...
and the United States Ambassador to Haiti Dennis Hankins. The troops will join the foreign police force known as the Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission – a US- and United Nations ...