The ongoing Pokémon Go Legendary Flight event has established a stage for Kanto’s legendary bird trio to debut in their ...
Pokemon GO players will have the opportunity to encounter and obtain a range of different monsters during the Legendary ...
You also have the Hatch pass ($4,99, which gives trainers Timed Research Rewards to get regional Unova Pokémon like Maractus, ...
Pokemon Go has added its first Dynamax Legendary ‘Mon, but the sheer difficulty of the battle and the frustrating requirements of Max Raids means it’s not worth the effort to catch it.
With Pokemon Legends: Z-A taking players back to the Kalos region, it’s expected that Mega Evolution will be making its grand ...
Please, please, please don't be taken in by resellers offering the McDonald's Pokémon cards at high prices - they are almost ...
Yesterday the first ever Dynamax Legendary Pokémon arrived in Pokémon GO, with Dynamax Articuno debuting for Max Mondays.
To that end, Niantic has continued to generate over $500 million from Pokemon Go each year. It surpassed $1 billion for the first time in 2020. We have collected data and statistics on Pokémon Go.