A few veins merge and drain into the IVC before it makes its way up to the heart: The left renal vein, the left adrenal vein, and left gonadal veins merge into the renal vein. On the right side ...
NCS can only be diagnosed when left renal vein compression produces symptoms such as left flank pain, varicocele, proteinuria and anaemia.1 Variations of normal anatomy must also be considered before ...
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Entrapment of the left renal vein (LRV) between the abdominal aorta and superior mesenteric artery (SMA) causing the classic clinical triad of hematuria, varicocele, and left abdominal or flank pain ...
A few veins merge and drain into the IVC before it makes its way up to the heart: The left renal vein, the left adrenal vein, and left gonadal veins merge into the renal vein. On the right side, the ...