"Kill the Irishman" serves up a violent story of gangsters and the people they terrorize. Here are 13 more movies in the same ...
What set Donnie Brasco apart from other Pacino crime and gangster movies was that it allowed him to portray an aging character grappling with complex emotions and interests. Outside of Michael ...
It's the making of Donnie Brasco, a Mafia drama based on a true story, where mobsters really do fear sudden termination and undercover agents, like Donnie, fear becoming practised criminals.
But the FBI has a secret weapon, agent Joe Pistone, AKA Donnie Brasco who has infiltrated the Bonanno family.It is 1978, and American law enforcement is at war with the American mob. But the FBI has a ...
Get notified of new releases by your favorite authors. Build a personal library and keep track of your to-be-read list. Browse every book in perfect order. When you're looking for the next title in a ...