Graham Golas, what Quinn Wunar calls a "true angler," has taken a varied path into the wide variety of fishing around Chicago and the suburbs.
The wonders of aquatic life unfold with skilled fish-catching moments and mesmerizing water creatures. From swift movements beneath the surface to breathtaking underwater encounters, every scene ...
Witness the magic of nature with breathtaking fish-catching moments and fascinating glimpses of animal life. From swift underwater movements to astonishing wildlife interactions, every scene ...
Jace Tunnell captured the alligator gar's multiple rows of teeth.
The officer pulled up to 29-year-old Carlos Fabian Mercado de Choudens, who was fishing with four other people. The officer checked one of Mercado’s buckets and found several bluegill fish, according ...
A bobcat was seen carrying a small alligator for dinner. It's common for bobcats to catch small alligators, according to Florida Fish and Wildlife.