Shah Rukh Khan, the King of Bollywood is one of India's wealthiest and most beloved stars, owns properties across the globe, ...
AD curates a list of the most striking celebrity homes in Delhi, from Shalini Passi's art-filled mansion to Tarun Tahiliani's ...
Shah Rukh and Gauri Khan's Mumbai home called ... Here's a look at what is inside Mannat, which is the Khan family home in Mumbai. 1. Mannat is a grand old heritage property that dates back ...
So how do we do this house now? We bought it, but what do we do with it.” Also Read: Want a glimpse inside Shah Rukh Khan's grand Mumbai house Mannat? Don't miss this post from Gauri Khan ...
Salman Khan is celebrating his 59th birthday today. Like every year, Salman's sister Arpita hosted a party for her bhaijaan and daughter Ayat, who was also born on December 27. Salman Khan was spotted ...