Hummingbird flower mites use static electricity to hop between flowers. Researchers initially thought scent guided them.
Gardeners on Reddit shared a warning about the chameleon plant, an invasive species that can quickly take over your garden.
A trio of biologists from the University of Connecticut; the Organization for Tropical Studies, in Costa Rica; and the ...
Would you like to witness more hummingbirds in your yard this spring? Try these top tips to make your garden more appealing ...
One U.S. hummingbird species truly hunkers down for the winter, and that’s the Anna’s Hummingbird. In the early 1900s, they ...
Many of us would love a beautiful garden but lack the time and energy to devote to it. Unless you have spare funds to hire an outside contractor, you may be stuck with your dull and uninspiring yard.
Mountain mint does best in well-draining soil with a neutral or slightly acidic pH. This plant can grow in a variety of soils, including sandy, clay, and loamy soils. Keep the soil moist ...
Bee balm is known by many names, including bergamot and Monarda, but whatever you call it, this bloom will bring all the hummingbirds to your yard.
Bare-root fruit trees are generally cheaper to buy than potted trees, and the time to buy and plant them is from November to March. When planting them, good soil preparation is vital, especially if ...