Primarul liberal al localitatii Seica Mare, Nicolae Susa, a fost amendat cu 1.400 de lei, dupa ce a fost filmat in timp ... Gabriela Firea face un apel de mobilizare la vot catre barbatii din ...
Connecting decision makers to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas, Bloomberg quickly and accurately delivers business and financial information, news and insight around the world ...
Cum au fost alese, în realitate, denumirile stațiilor de metrou din București. Care este unicul person suprateran din oraș.
Primăria Sectorului 5 anunță locuitorii din București de faptul că, în aceste zile are loc o campanie gratuită de testare pentru depistarea hepatitei C. Cetățenii se pot testa în cadrul unei clinici m ...
India is finalizing a $1 billion capital subsidy plan to bolster its solar manufacturing industry, according to people with knowledge of the matter, as part of a wider effort to reduce dependence ...
today issued a circular announcing that the Eid Al Fitr holiday for the federal government sector will be observed from 1st to 3rd Shawwal 1446 AH, with official work resuming on 4th Shawwal.
AGERPRES / (AS - redactor: Cristian Lupașcu, editor: Marius Frățilă, editor online: Gabriela Badea) 16:02 - Timiș: Conacul marilor filantropi Mocioni din Foeni - un nou punct de atracție pe harta ...
“Our data shows that over 40 percent of the public-sector workforce is already using AI tools, often through personal accounts and unapproved platforms.” As he put it, public agencies that use ...
Russia's National Coordination Center for Computer Incidents (NKTsKI) is warning organizations in the country's credit and financial sector about a breach at LANIT, a major Russian IT service and ...
The Exchequer pay bill is growing by €1.5bn each year, and managing it at sustainable levels will be an ongoing challenge, new Public Expenditure Minister Jack Chambers has been told by civil ...
The Clean Industrial Deal will support renewable energy sources within the European Union. The EU is facing cheaper competition from abroad and the threat of US tariffs. The European Commission ...