The demo for RTX gives aglimpse at the mod's comprehensive visual overhaul, though don't expect it to evoke much besides ...
Back when Valve released Half-Life 2 in 2004, it was probably the best-looking game I’d ever seen. The game’s pre-baked ...
The Half-Life 2 RTX demo is finally here, but you'll need over 40 GB of PC space if you want to play the enhancement of Valve's FPS.
The Half-Life 2 RTX demo is now available for GeForce RTX gamers, and thanks to NVIDIA we had the chance to check it out before its release.
The Half-Life 2 RTX demo is available now and we braved Ravenholm to bring you our analysis and thoughts on the remastering effort.
The demo version of Half-Life 2 RTX has been made available today, bringing tons of visual improvements to this iconic ...
Hey, you can finally try out Half-Life 2 RTX. It's been a long ol' wait for this one, the team of modders/developers at Orbifold Studios have spent a good few years on this already, but at least ...