The Government’s plan to make it easier to build on already-developed parts of the green belt is “largely redundant” and could have a limited impact on housebuilding, a Lords committee has said.
A HALESOWEN supermarket has been granted permission to cut back trees which are covered by a TPO overhanging the car park.
A row has broken out after a council told businesses and charities it was scrapping its commercial waste collection service. Dudley Council, which plans to save £42m to balance its books, has ...
A ROW has blown up after Dudley Council told businesses it was scrapping its commercial waste collection service.
A NEW £4million business premises has opened in Halesowen. A&B Richardson Engineering, which manufactures parts for the aerospace and maritime industries, celebrated the grand opening of its new, ...
AN HISTORIC Cradley Heath pub – which dates back 400 years – is set to close for a £135,000 revamp that will help secure its long-term future.
An historic Halesowen pub dating back 400 years is set to close for a £135,000 revamp. The investment will provide The Bell & ...
Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? Start your Independent Premium subscription today. WHSmith is set to close many of its branches in 2025, following ...
WH Smith is set to close 15 stores across the UK in the coming months. Two sites, in Bournemouth and Luton, closed on Saturday (January 18) while more sites are set to shut for good between now ...
WHSmith announced several store closures in 2024, and following a review of its portfolio, the chain has confirmed it will ...