A former Rockstar Games developer says he doesn't feel GTA 6 will be capable of 60 FPS on base consoles. Maybe that'll change ...
However, as has been the case with Rockstar Games recently, a potential release date has just been ‘leaked’. And if it’s true ...
Half-Life 3, a new Zelda remaster, and GTA 6 are the subjects of some of the biggest gaming rumors and leaks you need to know ...
A date has still not been officially announced for GTA 6, with the only update so far being from Take-Two to confirm that an ...
One YouTuber is hard at work making a GTA VI map for GTA V. However, they are worried about having to take it down eventually ...
I agree. It would be better if R* did quality remasters of their classic games.
Grand Theft Auto fans aren’t sold on Steven Ogg’s idea for Trevor in GTA 6, with some putting forward a few suggestions of ...
Steven Ogg's idea to start Grand Theft Auto 6 could be like therapy for fans frustrated by the long wait for the GTA 5 ...
GTA 6 may cost up to $100, but analysts predict a $70 price tag. Find out how this could impact gaming. Dicover more!
GTA 5 actor Steven Ogg is open to returning as Trevor in GTA 6, but on one very specific and brutal condition.
Either way Ogg isn't in the game, so it's safe to say Trevor won't be returning (for now). That doesn't necessarily mean ...
A number of analysts have weighed in on the prospect of Grand Theft Auto 6 costing $100, who agree there's simply no need for ...