Bannatyne, B.B. 1985: Industrial minerals in rare-element pegmatites of Manitoba; Manitoba Energy and Mines; Mineral Resources Division, Economic Geology Report ER84-1 ... 2017: Whole-rock and mineral ...
If the scientists could very precisely measure the proportions of lutetium and halfnium in moon rocks compared to other ...
A 360° class held in 2022 recently had two papers published in the peer-reviewed journal Museum & Society, a rare case of an ...
When NASA launched a spacecraft to an asteroid, scientists patiently waited for their chance to look at bits of the space ...
Sharks have ruled the Earth’s oceans for 400 million years. Recent research on fossil shark teeth has discovered an ...
The moon may still be geologically active, judging from the way the lunar far side is wrinkling as the moon contracts. At ...
Researchers discovered a protein in a 68- to 66-million-year-old fossil that many scientists would have argued should have long been destroyed.
The formation of our solar system from a singular nebula raises an intriguing question: why did each planet develop with a ...