The play’s cast members wrestle, slap and toss one another in ambitiously choreographed fight sequences that took months of training to learn.
An Off Broadway play opens a window on the spiritual and physical trials of the ancient Japanese sport.
The Japanese ex-sumo known as Gocchanko – real name Kodai Ota, whose schtick is wrestling passersby on the street – has been performing his busking feats before growing crowds. Gocchanko ...
The student government at University of California–Davis apologized for bringing a sumo wrestling fat suit on campus after people freaked out that it was racist — and now, at least one ...
Just like the Japanese sport it's inspired by, the new off-Broadway play is part ritual, part athletic spectacle.
NEW YORK -- Lisa Sanaye Dring's "Sumo" offers New Yorkers who are little exposed to ... In a fictional Tokyo heya, or wrestling stable, a rigid hierarchy based on competitive achievement is brutally ...