What separates Entei from a lot of other Fire-Types on this list is its presence as a monotype. Ultimately, if rounding out a team with a pure Fire-Type Pokémon, you could do much worse than Entei.
On average, this move type does more damage than most other Pokemon types. There are so many great Fire-type moves that deciding the best can be difficult. This list helps gamers to not only ...
Charizard has been an iconic card for the Pokemon TCG for years now, often finding itself as a bit of a collector's piece for ...
When you add Shadow Ho-Oh to your collection, what moves and attacks should you be teaching it for battle? For a brief time, ...
This time, we’ve got our second Mass Outbreak event, following on from the previous Fire Pokémon Mass Outbreak ... type cards and Pokémon, as the name suggests, with the key card of the ...