Barbara Coleman came to see Carpenters’ Hall, the site of the original Continental Congress convening in 1774 and where the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania was created. Having tea amid that history was ...
The aging owners of James Monroe’s Loudoun County estate have turned down offers from developers of more than $55 million ...
Only Dolley and her oldest child, also named John, survived. The young widow quickly remarried after her family friend Aaron Burr introduced her to longtime bachelor James Madison. The couple ...
Often called “the first First Lady,” Dolley Madison defined the role of the President’s wife and hostess. With her behind-the-scenes influence on political policy and her expansion of the ...
James Madison, the "Father of the Constitution ... A slight man of less than 100 pounds, Madison's marriage to the buxom and vivacious Dolley Payne Todd surprised many and provided the nation ...