Prime Minister Chris Luxon had to do some damage control after some controversial remarks were made by members of NZ First.
The Palestine Forum of New Zealand calls on the New Zealand government to join the newly formed Hague Group, a coalition of ...
Israel’s state forced conscription or imprisonment, enforced military service that contributes to the occupation, ethnic ...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon is not about to join the pantheon of “Trump whisperers” — the international political ...
New Zealand Latin American community has expressed concerns after two members of parliament MPs made comments such as send the Mexicans home Deputy ...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon is to speak while making a visit in Auckland understood to be related to economic growth.
They blocked Simeon Brown's exit, chanting "build it once, build it right" and "public health, not private wealth".
Winston Peters and Shane Jones' comments during a debate raise "huge red flags" for the community, leaders say.
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has refused to say if he’ll reprimand New Zealand First’s Winston Peters and Shane Jones ...
The Philippines and New Zealand have started negotiations for a possible Status of Visiting Forces Agreement (Sovfa), the ...
Winston Peters - after initially saying nothing was wrong with his and Shane Jones' comments - has now backed down after the ...
Asked about comments by Shane Jones and Winston Peters, the PM says "I've seen MPs from lots of different parties making ... comments and remarks that aren't helpful".