My generation, millennials, has been blamed for ruining so much: cloth napkins, traditional marriage, American cheese. But in ...
Nicole Cuffy’s second novel, 'O Sinners!,' examines the blurry lines between cult and religion, making for both a clever ...
By retrieving Lutheran theology with exceptional care, Hughes suggests that Christian faith is a matter not of certainty but ...
Pew found a huge age gap, with young adults overwhelmingly less religious than their elders—some 46 percent of the youngest Americans identify as Christian, compared to 80 percent of the oldest adults ...
We all need to repent for complicity in licensing Donald Trump to unleash an agenda of retribution and meanness throughout ...
From being forced to break fast outside of the permitted hours to not being able to congregate for Eid al-Fitr, the ...
Since Thursday, more than 1,000 people—including Christian minorities and Alawites, the sect to which Assad belongs—have been killed, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) and ...
Last week offered a sobering reminder of how Hegseth's bigotry blitz isn't just symbolic, but will harm real people. The ...
Jesus’ death on the Cross was not a limited act only for his family, the 12, other followers and some of the rest of the ...
"These are people of faith," said Stensrud, who leads Christian women on trips to meet migrants, aid workers and Border ...
What's at stake is not just the survival of nations. It's the consciences of those who align themselves with what is unquestionably wrong.