Samsung launched the Galaxy S25 Ultra with some minor improvements in hardware, while the rest of the focus was on improving the software experience, particularly with AI. As for the display, it’s ...
The Galaxy S24 Ultra’s display didn’t play ball in low light, but that doesn’t seem to be the case for this year’s premium Samsung flagship.
Dbrand has launched a full range of products for the Samsung Galaxy S25 series. This launch comes after the initial ...
Tipster claims Samsung has made improvements in screen quality and brightness uniformity with its Galaxy S25 Ultra.
Samsung's Galaxy S24 Ultra suffered from a grainy display issue at low brightness, which was a major disappointment for users ...
Samsung appears to have addressed the infamous grainy display issue from last year's flagship with the latest Galaxy S25 ...
The Galaxy S25 Ultra appears to not suffer from the mura effect like the Galaxy S24 Ultra did when it launched.