Jangan asal memilih obat sakit gigi untuk ibu hamil. Sebab, obat tersebut dapat saja memengaruhi kesehatan janin.
Our case highlights the inadequacy of the use of benzocaine as a single screening agent for topical anesthetic contact allergy and the importance of confirming tolerance to other anesthetics by ...
“Topical treatments can be found over the counter ... active ingredients that dull the pain of the HSV infection using benzocaine, lidocaine or menthol, says Li. To support recovery, look ...
You should follow the manufacturer’s directions when using topical treatments like Delay Spray or Clockstopper benzocaine wipes. But typically, these products should be applied to the entire area.
Products that contain benzocaine or similar ingredients ending in "caine," such as topical pain relievers, should be avoided since they can cause irritation. Sunburns on the scalp can be serious, but ...
The manufacturer states that this topical solution is best for fungal or bacterial skin conditions. The two main active ingredients are benzocaine 1.5% and salicylic acid 1.6%. It’s made for external ...
Major or complex ulcers are another story. In these more painful situations, a topical corticosteroid can be rubbed onto the canker to soothe the area. A physician may prescribe stronger steroids ...
Over-the-counter gels provide temporary pain relief for both minor and moderate cankers. They feature an anesthetic called benzocaine that numbs the affected area. They also shield the canker from ...