The Downside Abbey monks will soon be on the move again, and this time they are hoping it will be to a permanent home.
The chancellor received a Vatican appointment earlier this year reflecting Rome’s recognition of the Oregon seminary’s growth ...
The Catholic Church is truly universal since it unites so many diverse rites, whose members share a common faith. Latest news PHOTOS: Romans celebrate St. Joseph’s feast day, venerate his holy cloak ...
The Roman Catholic Church has consistently condemned abortion — the direct and purposeful taking of the life of the unborn child. In principle, Catholic Christians believe that all life is ...
They were used by Jesus, and have always been at the heart of the Church's daily prayer. Photography, filming, and sound recording are not allowed in the Abbey during services. Please ensure that ...
The Catholic Church may have been the church of the majority of the French people, but its wealth and perceived abuses meant that it did not always have their trust. On the eve of the Revolution, the ...
George Whitefield: From School Dropout to Open-Air Evangelist Hudson Taylor: Fit to Serve, Missionary to China C. S. Lewis: An Adventure in Faith Dietrich Bonhoeffer: The Cost of Discipleship Jim ...
(OSV News) — Cardinal Vincent Nichols of Westminster has joined leading Catholic politicians and pro-life groups in calling on U.K. Catholics to take immediate and urgent action to oppose an … ...