The researchers hypothesized that eBay sellers who take a long time to reject offers signal that they are uncertain about ...
The three-inch-long “Cheetozard,” a Flamin' Hot Cheeto that looks like the Pokémon Charizard, sold for $87,840 at auction at ...
A viral Flamin’ Hot Cheeto shaped like Charizard sells at auction for nearly $88K showcasing unique collectible trends.
Art Tolsma has been collecting business signs bound for the junkyard for years, including Holland favorites like Queen's Inn ...
In the intricate world of estate planning and administration, accurately estimating the market value of collectibles, such as ...
Two Long Island historical memorabilia collectors say they will turn over 41 flags carried by Japanese servicemen in World ...
When he's not collecting signs, Tolsma finds artifacts on Facebook Marketplace and eBay. And no — they're not for sale. "I'm still collecting, so if anybody has anything they want to add ...
Marin residents Michelle Martinez and Crystal Vargas share a longtime friendship and a love of arts and crafts.
ReRun Thoroughbred Adoption and After the Finish Line's Valentine's Moneigh Auction starts this Sunday, February 16 and ends Sunday, February 23 at 6p PT/9p ET. Proceeds benefit Off Track ...